Friday, May 15, 2020

Quality of High School Education - 1097 Words

In America, teenagers are taught to not question or object what is going on in the world. The schools take away their First Amendment rights by not allowing teens to have free speech and voice their beliefs and opinions. The education given to them is censored and limited, not allowing them to see and know the truths behind everything. By doing this, teenagers are being raised to grow up blind like the current generation of adults. The people of America are failing to see the country as it truly is and this generation of teenagers, who are this country’s future, need to change that. The thing is that the educational system of today is going against those principles and is not allowing students to grow up as independent, truth seeking†¦show more content†¦The American education system is in a crisis. The quality of education has declined over the years and test scores are plummeting (Cozic, 13). The system of high school education was designed over fifty years ago that of which met the needs of students at the current time. Now in the twenty first century, that same system is not teaching or meeting the needs of students today. It was designed so that every student learns the same material at the same rate as everyone else (Gates, 1). The problem with this is that every student is different and learns in different ways. What one student may understand could be completely challenging for another. The students that are more advanced than others should not be held back and the ones who are not as advanced should be able to learn at a slower pace and get the help they need. Nobody is the same or learns the same and schools need to understand that. All students should be able to explore in any depth of education that they wish. Another factor that does not allow this is standardized testing. These tests that students are required to take has led to the restriction of their education and are limited to their range of skills and knowledge since the main focus is math, reading, and writing (What’s Wrong With High School, 1). The scores from the tests unfairly classify the students’ knowledge and can harm their academic achievements Cozic, 46). Even with the preparation for these tests, scores are still low. Students’ timeShow MoreRelatedComparing Education Between United States And Nepal1689 Words   |  7 Pages Comparing Education of United States to Nepal The quality of education varies across the countries. The quality of education system of Nepal is different to United States. While comparing the quality of educations between two countries, several factors that caused were examined. These factor show that there is significant difference between the qualities of education between the two countries. 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