Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Worn Path Obstacles - 2213 Words

In the short stories A Worn Path by Eudora Welty and The Jilting of Granny Weatherall by Katherine Anne Porter, both women overcame several obstacles. In A Worn Path Phoenix Jackson faced obstacles such as her old age, physical challenges, and how others viewed her. Granny faced obstacles such as dying, feeling betrayed from her children, and disappointment in her love life. In A Worn Path by Eudora Welty an elderly African American woman named Phoenix Jackson picks a cold December day to make yet another perilous journey to a near by city to get medicine for her ailing grandson. On the way this old woman faces many obstacles, both natural and man-made. Phoenix draws upon her perseverance and willingness to sacrifice herself to†¦show more content†¦The greatest example of this comes at the end of the story, when Phoenix has reached the doctors office. At this point Phoenix has been challenged physically, emotionally and physiologically and she is worn out. She is on the b rink of collapse when she reaches the doctors office and the only thought that fills her mind is that she has made it. So, when the attendant in the doctors office asks her why she has come, Phoenix completely blanks out. She has been pushing herself so hard for so long that she no longer remembers why she must get to the city, but only that she must somehow make her way to the doctors office. Even when a nurse, who knows Phoenix, comes in and reminds her of her grandson, Phoenix doesnt remember. Only when the nurse cold-heartedly says, he isnt dead is he? does Phoenix remember. The story ends with Phoenix going out to a store to buy her grandson a toy with the money that she has acquired during the journey. She doesnt even think for a second to go and buy herself something to eat something to sustain her on the long and cold walk home. Her love and devotion support her and give her an endless source of almost supernatural strength. The strength that she radiates toward her grandson, the strength that nourishes his life. The Jilting of Granny Weatherall describes the last thoughts, feelings, and memories of an elderlyShow MoreRelatedThe Physical, Social and Mental Obstacles in Eudora Weltys A Worn Path657 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"A Worn Path† by Eudora Welty is a short story in which fulfills all aspects of literary connotations. Phoenix Jackson’s only true motivation to keep living was to help keep her young grandson live. While there are a multitude of literary elements and devices splurged throughout the story, some of the first ones to s pot make the biggest impact. Phoenix Jackson’s name is revealed in the first three lines of text, and leads the reader to make an immediate assumption. She makes this trek over and overRead MoreA Worn Path1096 Words   |  5 Pageswe take when we encounter obstacles. Life is an obstacle course in which we have to overcome in our lifetimes. In A Worn Path an older woman by the name of Phoenix Jackson takes a long road full of hardships to achieve a goal, which is to get medicine for her grandson. Not only does Phoenix of A Worn Path represent struggle but how we overcome this struggle to achieve a sense of achievement or a goal. Throughout time, people have been going through life’s obstacles and their willingness to pursueRead More The Hero Sojourner In A Worn Path by Eudora Welty Essay883 Words   |  4 PagesThe Hero Sojourner in A Worn Path by Eudora Welty In A Worn Path by: Eudora Welty, the main character emulates the necessary nuts and bolts of the archetypal journey as its hero; answers a call to an adventure, has to go through trials of fear, and ending with the retrieval of two prizes. Eudora Weltys short story A Worn Path takes place on a bright, frozen day in December. Representing a struggle, but most of all represents determination. Her name is Phoenix Jackson. 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