Friday, December 27, 2019

Management and Performance - 4877 Words

BSBMGT502B Activity 1-16 : 1.1 Why is it necessary to consult relevant groups and individuals about the work to be allocated and the resources they will need? It is always advisable to consult with individuals and groups about work allocations to determine what needs to be done and who has the necessary skill and experience to carry out work tasks. The people who need to use the resources should be consulted to find out what they need and when it will be needed. In this way budgets and resource plans can be made to accommodate these needs. Consultation involves employees and gives value and importnace to their ideas and Inputs by: a) making them feel valued b) encouraging ownership of improvement needs, problem solving and†¦show more content†¦The code establishes standards by which staff and management conduct themselves towards other staff or colleagues, government authorities and the general community and perform their duties and obligations. A code of conduct is generally established on the following organisational values: integrity, honesty, conscientiousness, compassion, courtesy, fairness, and respect, The successful development of an ethical environment relies on individuals being responsible for their own professional behaviour within the provisions of the code and for compliance with the legislation (national, state and local government) that impacts on the organisation and the work done. 4.2 In what ways might it be possible to confirm work outputs with relevant teams and individuals and what things might be considered in terms of work outputs? conformation might take the form of written plans, and verbal collaboration—face-to-face in meetings or as part of a one-to-one consultation. When confirming plans it is necessary to ensure that employees clearly understand what is expected of them. Ask for feedback and give opportunities to ask questions. Work output could relate to: * performance standards (KP!s, KRAs) * operational controls * financial performance * non-financial performance * customer service *Show MoreRelatedPerformance Management Performance Management Performance Management2240 Words   |  9 PagesTo look into the performance measures for a hospital and also an electrical goods retailer. From this I will look into a few companies of each and write what sort of performance measures they use and if their management priorities. Management Coursework Performance Management For this assignment I have been assigned to look into the performance measures for a hospital and also an electrical goods retailer. From this I will look into a few companies of each and write what sort of Read MoreThe Management Of Performance Management Essay1199 Words   |  5 PagesThere seem to be a multitude of definitions for Performance Management. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Socrates And Achilles - 1466 Words

Socrates and Achilles: the Martyr Heroes Madelyn Vogel ILS 205 By comparing himself to the Greek hero Achilles before the jury in Plato’s Apology, Socrates attempts to portray himself as a hero of equal merit to Achilles and others of similar standing. By selecting the greatest of the Classical Greeks to compare and contrast himself to in his argument, Socrates surreptitiously urges his audience to view him as being of the same caliber as Achilles. This not only authenticates Socrates’ claims, but also exhibits his disconnect from earlier forms of thought. Essentially, Socrates attempts to display himself in the same light as his predecessor Achilles through their shared aspiration to do what they deem to be right in addition to their†¦show more content†¦At the battle of Troy, Achilles chooses almost certain death in exchange for the honor of avenging Patroclus. As Socrates paraphrases, â€Å"when his mother said to him, as he was eager to slay Hector, ‘My son, if you avenge the death of your friend Patroclus and k ill Hector, you yourself shall die; for straightway, after Hector, is death appointed unto you,† (The Apology, 28c). However, Socrates is relatively loose in his representation of Achilles. Homer’s Achilles is focused primarily on private affairs as seen when he only agrees to return to battle to avenge personal loss in the form of his â€Å"beloved† Patroclus (The Iliad, book 18, 120). Contrastingly, Socrates represents the Greek hero as being much more absorbed by the necessity of attaining honor and justice for both himself and his peers. Through this specific example, Socrates makes it apparent that, he, like Achilles before him, is both willing and able to die if that is what it takes to find truth. He will under no circumstances condemn any of his actions just to save his life. Socrates’ primary motivation for comparing himself to Achilles, the best of all the classic heroes, is to convince the jury of his Achillean heroism. One attribute of a hero a ccording to the events of the Iliad is that one must either kill or be killed in the pursuit of honor. Correspondingly, the Iliad chronicles Achilles’ life and death on the natural path to heroism. Despite theShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Ways That Plato Is An Unusual Epic Hero946 Words   |  4 Pagesfleet footed Achilles and the cunning Odysseus. Every man, woman, and child knew the stories of Jason, Hercules, and Hector. However, there is one man who achieved fame akin to the epic heroes of olden times with neither strength nor skill. His name was Socrates. In ancient Greece, Socrates was the most famous celebrity. Today, Socrates is perhaps more famous than any epic hero. 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Though Achilles is not a king, he is willing to fight to the death for his country. â€Å"At Troy, Achilles distinguished himself as an undefeatable warrior. AmongRead MoreThe Apology Of Plato s The Iliad1979 Words   |  8 Pagesnoteworthy moment of the Plato’s text. The Apology is Plato’s recounting of Socrates’ trial, in which he faced charges of corrupting the youth, and believing in Gods different than the Gods of the state of Athens. In the trial, Socrates makes his argument as to why he should be found innocent of all the charges placed upon him. One of the most interesting arguments that Socrates makes in his defense is comparing himself to Achilles, the great Greek warrior from Homer’s The Iliad. He makes this comparisonRead MoreHeroes of the Ages1130 Words   |  5 Pagesthose being: Achilles, Odysseus, Aeneas, Socrates, Gilgamesh, Beowulf and of course Arthur. The first hero to analyze for characteristics is Achilles. Although some do not necessarily believe him to be the grandest man, he is still the basis of a lot of stories in which young men feel they should model. Achilles has certain qualities, such as willpower and a care for his men, as Graham Zanker says, â€Å"The loss of his armor would among normal heroes be considered a loss of honor, but Achilles makes noRead More Justice for All Ages Essay example4920 Words   |  20 Pagesprofessional and amateur academic philosophers of today. The question is so hard, because it is quite difficult to know where to begin. Socrates1 spoke of justice in relation to the gods, Plato in relation to an individual’s duty in society, and Achilles, in a somewhat indirect way, in relation to honor and loyalty. All three of these men had very convincing arguments about the true nature of justice, but it is impossible to say now, or most likely ever, whether any of them actually got it rightRe ad MoreGreek Society vs. Socrates Essay897 Words   |  4 PagesGreek Society vs. Socrates What make a man virtuous? Throughout many texts of Greek society the picture of a perfect man is painted and apparent. This man, the â€Å"perfect man†, is the virtuous Greek citizen. Who is virtuous not only in the eyes of society, but also at home, in war, and in his relationship to the God(s). Also in Greek society, there was a man named Socrates who’s opinion differed with his culture’s thoughts, and he constructed his own thoughts and beliefs of what characteristics

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gold Coast Convention Center Catering Services †Free Samples

Question: What is the Gold Coast Convention Center Catering Services? Answer: Introducation In the business world, management is basically the controlling, planning, directing and leading the activities and operations and staff or employees of a business organization. Every business has got its overall business manager who is the head of all other managers who are usually in charge of the organizational departments (Goll et al, 2011). This means that the management work is the responsibility of an expert, skilled and experienced person. For that reason, every department of the business must have a manager of its own who can manage, control, lead and direct all the operational activities taking place in the department. The manager is the overall decision maker of all the activities that are related to raw material purchases, production, storage of the products, transportation of the products, receiving of the products by the customers to name just but a few responsibilities (Bosua et al, 2013). Therefore, this means that the decisions that the managers make are the determina nts of the organizations success status. If the manager is well focused and inflicts the right kind of skills into his management work, then it increases the chances at which the organization will achieve its goals and objective hence leading to success. Gold Coast Convention Center is a business organization that is dealing with two kinds of businesses which are clearly related i.e. catering services and social meeting services. The convention center is likely to be offering meeting halls, conferences, retreats, trainings, dinners to name just but a few services they may be offering. Therefore, this gives Gold Coast an opportunity to hire a manager for the catering services to take care of the food and beverage activities apart from the overall manager of the whole organization. However, the manager hired by Gold Coast Center is not an experienced one and has no perfect skills for the job. Considering the fact that decision making job is his responsibility, then it means that the state of the business lies entirely in his hands. This fact increases the challenges that every manager faces in their line of duty although in the case study it is much more. Procedures To Be Adopted By The Manager Every manager always has their own ways of improving the status of their organization e.g. to improve the productivity levels, reducing cost related expenses, improving purchases, better storage methods, improved and better transportation services, effective techniques to be used customer to receive the goods to name just a few aspects. However, as for Gold Coast Center, the following are some of the aspects to be improved: Ways Of Improving Purchasing Centralize purchasing This is in relation to a business purchasing raw materials to be used for production. When a business agrees on making raw material orders together, then there are chances of making good purchases in terms of quality and price (Schiuma, 2012). However, can only apply to departments that may use the same raw materials or purchasing from the same source. Focus on quality The managers should always ensure that the materials to be purchased are of the best quality they can get and afford. This is simply because the quality of the raw materials is the determinant of the product quality. Therefore, for the product to be of good quality, the input should be of even better quality. Business-supplier relationship This relates to the fact that every buyer should always have a good relationship with their suppliers. Therefore, every business should ensure that they have built a tight and close relationship with their supplier especially suppliers with very good quality inputs and reasonable prices. This will always give them the guarantee of being supplied with the best in-puts for their production. Conduct local purchases This means that businesses should consider purchasing the raw materials directly from the producers. This is simply a way of reducing the tampering with the quality and price that may arise in case other suppliers or middlemen are involved. In addition to that, it helps the business get a chance to build a close and reliable relationship with the suppliers especially when they buy from the directly. Also this facilitates the development of trust and honesty between the two parties. This does not only help the business evade its competitor but it also gives it a chance to beat them. Compare material suppliers Every business would want to purchase their inputs with low prices but still have the best in quality. Therefore, they should consider comparing the material quality and price for all the possible suppliers and make decision on which is the best. By comparing materials, they will have a chance to review many other potential suppliers in case the one chosen fails to deliver. When the business implements the aspects above, they will definitely improve the performance of their products to the consumers lives which will in return change the consumers views on the services and products into positive ones. By having all of the above issues taken care of, the business will not only grow, develop itself and increase its productivity, but will also become popular and famous to the consumers once more. Ways to Improve Business Receiving This involves the receiving of the raw materials by the business organization. Therefore, it will definitely involve transportation of the inputs, the handling, time schedule for the inputs arrival, raw material ordering to name just but a few. The following will help an organization improve its input receiving techniques and status: Use of good transportation system Every business should ensure that the transportation system of its raw materials as well as that of finished products is effective and efficient. This means that it should be fast, correct, reliable, simple and direct. E.g. if the raw material is oil or any other liquid, the best transportation methods can be by use of underground pipes and if the products are perishable, then the means should be much faster than no other like airplanes (Bosua et al, 2013). By having such a system, it is a guarantee that the materials will reach the business safe. This brings advantage to the business because the products will always be available, enough and on time whenever they are needed. Early order placement This is where a business should always make raw material orders before they are completely finished. Every business should always be updated on the status of their inputs as well as the finished products. This certainly reduces the chance of underproduction or low production in case there is no enough raw materials or overproduction when the finished products are already overflowing. By placing the raw material orders on time, the business will have a chance to prepare for their transportation, receivership and where to be stored on arrival (Tang et al, 2016). Also, this will give the supplier an opportunity to pack the correct orders in terms of amounts, prices and quality for the business. This actually helps the business to run and keep the market continuing without any product surplus or shortage. Another advantage for this aspect is that the consumers will begin to trust the product because it will always be flowing and available whenever they need it. Correct material handling This is in relation to supplier and business handling. Every raw material should be handled with great care at every stage of its production whether it is delicate or not delicate e.g. when it comes to packaging. The aim for this is to keep the quality, appearance and other features of the material intact. By not interfering with the input before it has completed its work, will help produce a finished product that will have better features than one that may have been produced using an input that has been interfered with (Carlucci et al, 2010). However, when it comes to the business handling, the raw material should be stored in the correct temperature and space to be able to maintain its natural features. This means that the business should have the right amount of space, material and weather conditions. Material recording This relates to keeping an actually, clear and accurate record of the raw materials received from the suppliers, the amounts received, costs of transportation and prices of the materials among other things. Also, it may involve the time that the order was made and the time it arrived. This is a way of making sure that every ordered material has been received and when it was received. Therefore, this can be referred to as receivership schedule. Despite the fact that it involves time and schedules, it involves finances as well. By making sure that the suppliers, transporters, store keepers and other raw material handlers that are involved are paid on time. Ways To Improve Material Storage When raw materials arrive into a business, they are usually stored before they are used. Therefore, it is very important for an organization to ensure that they are stored in the correct places. Apparently, different businesses use either stores, warehouses or containers to store the materials. However, even finished products are always of great value because they are the ones to be bought and used by the consumers. Therefore, for them to be good, safe, healthy, maintain their quality and clean, they should be stored very correctly (Schiuma et al, 2012). For instance, for the products that are perishable, they should be store in places that can keep them fresh like freezers and fridges, for goods that are frequently used in production, they should be stored in a very accessible place. Therefore, for the storage of the materials to be improved according to the case study, the following should be done: Maximum usage of warehouse space Most businesses store their products and raw materials in warehouses or stores which they may call depots or outlets. The warehouses should therefore have enough space to store the products or materials without pressuring each other (Rao, 2015). This means that they should not be small to make the materials look overcrowded. If a business is used to ordering and producing so many products then it must ensure that its warehouses are large and spacious. If the space is not available, the employees should device ways of packing and storing them differently to give more space to other commodities. Correct Warehouse Conditions Every commodity always has different conditions in which it must be store in to avoid it going stale or expiring. Therefore, warehouses, stores or any product or input storage facility should certainly have the right and required conditions for storage of every commodity or input. This includes considering factors like temperature, humidity, heat, pH to name just but a few factors that may affect the conditions of storing some products or inputs. To add to that, every business manager should make sure that the conditions ate the warehouses do not affect the quality or the product stored no matter what. On the contrary, the storage technique should actually add the value of the commodity. Use of modern technology Currently, technology has instilled a lot of change when it comes to production and storage of products and raw materials. Apparently, many businesses are now using modern means of technology to store raw data, finished data as well as products (Andreeva et al, 2012). This means that the storage mediums of the warehouses are to be modified so that they can be able to provide the best possible outlet system for both the products and raw materials when they are needed. Gold Coast Center should follow some of the aspects mentioned above so that they can be able to improve their productivity and service rendered to their customers. For instance, they should use good storage systems to keep their food fresh hence reducing the chances of their customers getting ill. Ways To Improve Production Production simply refers to steps and processes involved in changing of inputs into outputs. Therefore, for a business to improve its production, it should consider the raw materials themselves, the processes involved, the techniques to be used, equipment necessary, the labor force and the technology. All of these factors should certainly be available, enough and ready to be used for production purpose (Carlucci et al, 2009). A production process is usually said to be successful only when the product that is produced is the expected one in terms of quality, shape, quantity, features and price. Therefore, successful production is the basis for a successful business organization. For the case study, the following ways can be used to improve the production process: Use of technology This is actually not the use of just any technology but the use of the right modern technology. As years go by, technology changes every now and then and therefore this may affect the production process and volume of a business product. Also, it may lead to a business choosing the wrong kind of technology simply because it is modern hence affecting its productivity. Use of technology has so many advantages towards production in case it is used, like: improves the quality, shape and appearance of the product, increases the produced amount/volumes and makes the production process much easier, sometimes cheaper than the manual labor enforcement, increases the rates of production, reduces time taken to produce among other advantages. However, it also has some disadvantages which may include: may be more expensive to install and maintain than human labor at times, may lack operators to make use of it to name a few disadvantages. As for Gold Coast, use of technology may be involved when it comes to, purchasing of raw materials, storage of inputs and finished products, advertisement, updating the customers as well as keeping in touch with them in case of any changes. Use of effective and efficient labor force Effective and efficient labor force is one that is experienced, well skilled, professional and experts in that area or department of the organization. This means that the managers should make sure that their employees are completely qualified for their responsibilities and duties before they are hired (Carlucci et al, 2011). Also, they should be in a position to be able to make decisions on their own without relying so much on their colleagues which helps them own up to their actions. Therefore, with this kind of employees, a manager will be sure that every job will be done responsibly and will effective as well as efficient. When employees work to their level capability, production will certainly increase. Use of right raw materials Production of any good is entirely determined by the quality of the raw material used to make it. Therefore, if the input quality is low then the product quality will be low as well. Every business organization should ensure that the raw materials to be used in their products production are of the best quality, reasonable price and correct amount. This will definitely help the organization keep their production flowing and available whenever the consumers need their product. Therefore, this reduces the chances of either shortages or surpluses and keeps the quality always high no matter what. As for the Gold Coast Center, it should make use of the above named techniques of improving their production. The customers have complained that the business offers low quality and small amounts of food at times. This is a challenge that creates problems between every producer and a consumer but should be avoided at all costs by making sure that their production is always flowing. Conclusion In conclusion, the management team for every organization should make sure that their responsibilities are done effectively and efficiently since they are the determinants of an organizational success position. Gold Coast Food and Beverage manager should make sure the above named aspect are considered or taken into implementation for the business to be successful. References Schiuma, G., 2012. Managing knowledge for business performance improvement.Journal of Knowledge Management,16(4), pp.515-522. Schiuma, G., 2010. Managing and measuring knowledge assets dynamics for business value creation in organizations.Managing Knowledge Assets and Business Value Creation in Organizations: Measures and Dynamics: Measures and Dynamics, p.13. Bosua, R. and Venkitachalam, K., 2013. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Perfect Gesture Essay Example For Students

The Perfect Gesture Essay The Perfect Gesture. The perfect form football tackle, that is the perfect gesture. The person that made this gesture was Gary Kmiec. I witnessed this event for the first time, Labor Day, at the junior varsity football game against North Park College. The day was hot and humid, like a regular Chicago summer. The North Park Vikings field was hardly appealing to the eye. The field was one of those contraptions of a baseball/football field combination. It was the third quarter of a very intense game, the score was 8-6 we were winning. Both teams were relying on their defenses to stop the opposing offense and in our case to score. From what I have heard through the grape vine is that the offense of North Central isnt the greatest, but we have one of the best defenses. The stands, like every other junior varsity game, had only a handful of people in them. Most of the die-hard fans were either family or girlfriends. Unlike the North Park Vikings, who suited up over 60 players in their royal blue, our junior va rsity team had suited up about 29 players total. Out of those 29 select few, only 13 were on the defensive side of the ball. North Park was on offense. The cardinal defense stood strong. It was second down and North Park needed five more yards to get the first down. I was not in the game at this time so I had an exceptional view. The Viking quarterback dropped back 2 steps then he handed the ball off to the half back. Kmiec, like he had always been taught, mirrored the half back shuffling parallel with him. Kmiec accelerated towards the ball carrier. Then it happened. The perfect gesture, the perfect tackle. This was it. Kmiec had reached top speed when he met the ball carrier. When they met, Kmiec placed his right shoulder pad in the gut of the running back, making him lose his breath. Kmiec then wrapped his hands around the back of the ball carrier and pinned him to the ground. His helmet hit the ball directly, causing the pigskin to fly free from the running backs grip. Our free safety, Bob Goins, was right behind Kmiec and recovered the fumble on the North Park 25 yard line. The North Central crowd cheered and the North Central sidelines were in an uproar. The offense truggled against the mediocre North Park defense but they were able to score, making the score 14-6. The final score was 14-13, that gesture saved the game. The perfect tackle rarely appears in football games today because of the perfect positioning and timing of the individual. This individual made perfect tackles in almost every game. Even though The Cardinals did not win a lot of games, these perfect tackles always helped to slow or stop the opponent, when the game was on the line. When I see one of these perfect tackles and a player that can recreate these tackles, I see them as leaders to the team. This gesture stands out from all other ordinary group tackles or ankle tackles because of the fact that it is man to man. The stronger and better trained of the two will win the fight. Kmiec d isplays that he is strong and perfectly trained when he does the perfect tackle and not even the best running backs in the CCIW (College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin) can withstand such a blow. This is someone who I look up to because of the fact that he can recreate the perfect tackle on demand. The perfect tackle is my perfect gesture. 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